My New Year’s Gift to You

Happy New Year! As you know, I’m passionate about your Self Care, Self-Love and your Self Worth! This is what I want you to experience this year! I KNOW that when you give yourself permission to care for your Soul and Spirit and experience deep Self Love, ALL of your outer relationships become connected, authentic,…

Holiday Gifts for You

When the outer world speeds up during this time of year, our opportunity is to SLOW DOWN and become aware of what REALLY MATTERS, what is REALLY IMPORTANT. My wish for you this holiday season is that: YOU SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SPIRIT! YOU ACCEPT AND VALUE YOURSELF FOR EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE! YOU FEEL CONNECTED…

What if You Knew?

  What if … when you were very young … you were awakened every morning to someone whispering in your ear: You are loved! You are worthy! You have special gifts to share with the world! You are ENOUGH! You are Abundant, with everything you need within you to Prosper beyond measure! You are Whole…

The Journey of a Lifetime

Have you had an inner calling – a prompting – nudging you? Pressing upon you? For YEARS – and I do mean, YEARS! – clients, coaches, therapists, MOMS and friends have asked me to teach them how to do what I do. One year ago, when Will left for college, I knew it was time.…